800.562.4496 | publicinfo@slasuite.com

User-Friendly Surplus Lines Reporting System


A Product of the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office

The Surplus Lines Automation Suite (SLAS) is a suite of products designed and developed by the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office (FSLSO) for the reporting and taxation of surplus lines policies. SLAS is used by states throughout the country and has a 99% customer satisfaction rating.

Inside the Suite

SLAS is comprised of the Surplus Lines Information Portal (SLIP) and the Regulatory Administration Platform for Insurance Data (RAPID). The SLAS platform was developed in Florida in 2003 and since then has been adopted by 11 other states.

SLIP is a web portal for surplus lines agents, agencies, brokers, and direct procurement policyholders used to report policy data and remit tax payments. Filers have access to policy and tax payment history, and are able to submit endorsements, make corrections, remit tax payments, and run reports.
RAPID is a portal for state regulators and stamping offices to review and audit policy information and verify licensure requirements. Users can search, review, and run reports; and perform compliance audits and premium verification functions to confirm all filings are being reported and thus taxes are being paid.

SLIP and RAPID together make up SLAS, a comprehensive and user-friendly system for all sides of the surplus lines industry. For more information download a copy of our executive summary.

If you have further questions or would like to receive a comprehensive system demonstration, please contact us at publicinfo@slasuite.com.